National Evaluation Series
The NES® (National Evaluation SeriesTM) is a nationally available teacher certification testing program. The NES teacher certification tests are comprehensive exams aligned to profession-accepted national learning standards, covering areas such as essential academic skills, reading instruction, and commonly taught elementary, middle, and secondary grade-level subjects.
The NES tests are 100% computer-based. A computer-based test design means access to tests by appointment, year round—examinees do not have to wait for an assigned date before testing in a specific field—and immediate score reporting for most results.
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing adopted the NES Assessments of Professional Knowledge as one part of the Early Completion Internship Option (ECO) testing requirement. The ECO is intended to provide individuals who have the requisite knowledge and experience the opportunity to challenge the coursework portion of a Multiple or Single Subject Internship Program through a content assessment and to challenge the fieldwork component of a Multiple or Single Subject Internship program by demonstrating pedagogical skills through a performance assessment while in a Commission-approved internship program. Passage of the statutory testing requirement within the ECO option through the NES Assessment of Professional Knowledge (APK) allows individuals to demonstrate their knowledge of basic teaching education foundations in order to challenge the required education courses in an internship teacher preparation program.
Select an assessment to learn about registration fees and other test-specific information.
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