Administrative Services Credential authorizes the holder to provide the following school services in grades 12 and below, including preschool, and in classes organized primarily for adults:
- Develop, coordinate, and assess instructional programs
- Evaluate certificated and classified personnel
- Provide students discipline, including but not limited to, suspension and expulsion
- Provide certificated and classified employee discipline, including but not limited to, suspension, dismissal, and reinstatement
- Supervise certificated and classified personnel
- Manage school site, district, or county level fiscal services
- Recruit, employ, and assign certificated and classified personnel
- Develop, coordinate, and supervise student support services—including, but not limited to, extracurricular activities, pupil personnel services, health services, library services, and technology support services
An individual must hold an Administrative Services Credential to provide the following services in grades preschool, K–12 and adults:
- Evaluate the quality and effectiveness of instructional services at the school site level
- Evaluate certificated personnel employed at the school site level, with the exception of the site administrator
- Student and certificated personnel employee discipline services at the school site level
NOTE: The February 2015 administration of the CPACE was the final administration of the original exam. A revised version of the exam began to be administered July 8, 2015. Test scores from the original CPACE exam cannot be combined with scores from the revised CPACE to obtain the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential.
The set of administrator knowledge and skills described in the CPACE Content Specifications and reflected in the CPACE is organized into the following six domains:
- Domain I: Visionary Leadership
- Domain II: Instructional Leadership
- Domain III: School Improvement Leadership
- Domain IV: Professional Learning and Growth Leadership
- Domain V: Organizational and Systems Leadership
- Domain VI: Community Leadership
Review the CPACE Content Specifications .
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