Test Guide
Section 6: CSET: Dance Subtest 2
Sample Constructed-Response Questions
Focused Assignment Directions
For the following questions, you are to prepare a written response of approximately 100 to 200 words.
Read each assignment carefully before you begin to write. Think about how you will organize what you plan to write.
Sample Focused-Response Assignments
Assignment 1
Watch the video1 below to complete the exercise that follows. The video shows a segment of two ballet dancers in a park. To play this video, click the Play icon (). You may also use the Pause (
), Stop (
), and Replay (
) features. You may watch the video as many times as you wish.
This video is silent and does NOT require a headset.
This video shows twenty-seven seconds of a ballet duet performed in a park-like setting on grass under trees. As the clip starts a female dancer, costumed in a white dress with flowing knee-length skirt, stands with one arm raised looking to the left of the frame. A male, dancer costumed in loose white pants walks into the frame from the left with stylized movement and gestures toward the female with a bent upper body and opening arm movement. He performs a pirouette supported on his right leg with his left leg raised and curved behind. As the pirouette ends, he extends his right hand toward the female dancer. He begins to walk, and she approaches, takes his hand, and they circle around each other with running steps. Their joined hands provide the axis for their rotation. As the second rotation ends, the male dancer lifts their joined hands over his head, bringing them closer together, and wraps his left arm around her waist to lift her along his side as he continues to rotate. The female dancer arches her back, extends her left arm, and extends her legs in a split as they turn. As the third turn is completed, the male dancer lowers her to her feet and releases her. They skip, run, and leap, the female dancer following the male dancer, across and out of the camera frame to the left.
Using your knowledge of dance, prepare a response of approximately 100–200 words in which you:
- identify and describe one movement or movement sequence that drew your attention in the segment of dance shown in the video;
- plan and describe a short movement phrase that presents a variation of the movement you identified and could be used to continue the segment of performance shown; and
- explain how your planned movements would provide a logical development of the movement in the video and contribute to creating a cohesive segment of dance.
Assignment 2
Use the photographs2 below to complete the exercise that follows.
Two photographs show the same male dancer in different poses. He is costumed in a white high-necked leotard with shorts. In pose A, showing the dancer from the front, he stands with a wide base of support, both legs straight and turned out in a wide second position. His torso is arched backwards through the head, so only his chin shows in the photo. His arms are fully extended horizontally, with wrists flexed upward and fingers spread. In pose B, the dancer is shown from his right side. He is bent forward from the hips with his torso parallel to his thighs and his head tucked towards his knees. His legs are straight, feet in parallel and under his hips. His arms are bent, and his forearms lie along the backs of his calves with his hands extended downward behind and holding his ankles.
Using your knowledge of dance, prepare a response of approximately 100–200 words in which you:
- describe one significant similarity between the shapes created by the dancer in each of the two poses;
- describe one significant difference between the shapes created by the dancer in each of the two poses; and
- explain one way in which the use of body and space in each of the two poses could be used to suggest different expressive intents.
Assignment 3
Use the photograph3 below to complete the exercise that follows.
This photograph shows a male and female dancer performing and posing in a lift. She wears a grey long-sleeved leotard and he wears black leotard shorts. The male dancer stands on his left leg in turnout, his right leg extended with toe pointed to the floor behind him. Both legs are straight, and his body is vertically aligned over his left foot. He holds the female dancer over his head with his arms lifted to the front to support her thighs just above her knees. The female dancer is also supported by her own hands placed on his shoulders with straightened arms. Her body arches backwards to form a curved shaped from shoulders to toes, with her feet slightly higher than her head and toes pointed. Her gaze focuses slightly downward behind the male dancer. His gaze is focus upward toward his hands.
Using your knowledge of dance, prepare a response of approximately 100–200 words in which you:
- identify and describe two elements of dance that contribute expressive qualities to the pose shown;
- explain how the elements of dance identified would contribute to one possible interpretation of the pose; and
- explain one movement skill that would be important for creating the relationship shown between the dancers in the pose.
Examples of Strong Focused Responses
Sample Response 1
In the opening phrase of the segment in the video, the male dancer has the prominent focus as he enters with controlled and deliberate steps forward. He then breaks right into a glissade, arms extended, and executes a pas de bourrée en tournant en dedans, and completes the phrase with a tour en attitude en dehors on demi-pointe. He then repeats his initial movement of stepping forward which began the phrase and is joined by his female partner in a circular movement which develops into a lift.
I would create a variation of movement at the point where the male dancer completes his tour en attitude en dehors and have him pause, giving focus to his partner, who would step forward and execute an arabesque on demi-pointe as she balances against his arm or shoulder. Then she would mirror his pas de bourée en dedans and tour en attitude en dehors. Then I would have the two join together, begin the circular movement, and then the lift.
These variations would give equal focus to both dancers. The changes in movement would also create successional symmetry, suggesting a calming effect and stability, and supporting the peaceful and joyful theme. The intensity of energy would shift to opposition as both dancers gently pull away from each other in the circular movement, creating some tension which heightens the strength involved in the lift.
Sample Response 2
A similarity between the shapes in the two images is that both poses are angular. The dancer’s body in the first image is wider and the arms and legs are extended out in straight lines. In the second image, the arms are not extended but instead tucked and the legs are straight. The arms in the second image are certainly angular, even more so than in the first.
A difference between the two poses shown is that the first shape appears quite open. The dancer’s arms and legs are outstretched with the torso stretched somewhat convexly toward the back. The second picture is very closed with the arms tightly angled at the elbow and the torso in a more concave fashion. In the second pose, the legs are much closer together, making the entire body seem small and contained.
The dancer could express a different intent with their body and space by curving the arms and legs more in both poses. Since the torso gives a slightly rounded or curved shape in the first and a bit so in the second pose; the dancer might possibly do something as minute as softening the joints to allow for a more curved and smooth shape with the limbs.
Sample Response 3
Sustained intensity of energy in time and space and the use of beautifully balanced lines contribute to the elegance and grace of this dynamic pose.
The use of oppositional horizontal and vertical lines create right angles, which suggest the force of energy moving in two different directions. The asymmetrical right angle designs indicate maximum power and maximum excitement. The use of both curved and straight lines is visually stimulating. The straight lines emphasize strength and give an upward and outward path for the eye to follow, while the curved lines provide a contrast of softness and grace. The dancers are placed at contrasting angles to each other, making use of the full impact of their bodies. Finally, a circular effect is created by the upward and downward focus of each dancer – he looking up and she looking down.
Movement skills that are important in creating the relationship between the dancers in the pose are balance and sustained control of energy and muscular tension. A constant flow of energy is maintaining balance between the parts of the body. Dance is built upon the development of relaxation to release and tension to sustain and support. The results of these techniques are depicted in this captivating pose.
Focused-Response Assignment Performance Characteristics
Performance Characteristics. The following performance characteristics will guide the scoring of responses to the short (focused)-response constructed-response questions on CSET: Dance Subtest II.
Purpose | The extent to which the response addresses the constructed-response assignment's charge in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements. |
Subject Matter Knowledge | The application of accurate subject matter knowledge as described in the relevant CSET subject matter requirements. |
Support | The appropriateness and quality of the supporting evidence in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements. |
Focused-Response Assignment Scoring Scale
Scoring Scale. Scores will be assigned to each response to the short (focused)-response constructed-response questions on CSET: Dance Subtest II according to the following scoring scale.
Score Point | Score Point Description |
3 |
The "3" response reflects a command of the relevant knowledge and skills as defined in the subject matter requirements for CSET: Dance.
2 |
The "2" response reflects a general command of the relevant knowledge and skills as defined in the subject matter requirements for CSET: Dance.
1 |
The "1" response reflects a limited or no command of the relevant knowledge and skills as defined in the subject matter requirements for CSET: Dance.
U | The "U" (Unscorable) is assigned to a response that is unrelated to the assignment, illegible, primarily in a language other than English, or does not contain a sufficient amount of original work to score. |
B | The "B" (Blank) is assigned to a response that is blank. |
Extended Assignment Directions
For the following questions, you are to prepare a written response of approximately 250 to 350 words.
Read each assignment carefully before you begin to write. Think about how you will organize what you plan to write.
Sample Extended-Response Assignments
Assignment 4
Watch the video4 below to complete the exercise that follows. The video shows a segment of an Afro-Caribbean dance performed during a folk festival in Martinique. To play this video, click the Play icon (). You may also use the Pause (
), Stop (
), and Replay (
) features. You may watch the video as many times as you wish.
This video is silent and does NOT require a headset.
This video shows thirty seconds of a performance of Afro-Caribbean dance. The location is a stage with bluish lighting and a female dancer performs in front of the accompanying band of percussion players. The dancer is costumed in traditional clothing, a multicolored full skirt with petticoats underneath, loose white blouse, and knotted kerchief on her head. She carries a woven round basket as a prop. As the segment begins, the dancer is stepping sideways with exaggerated hip action using high energy. She holds the basket on top of her head, then gestures up and down with it in front of herself as she jumps in place and drops into a split touching the basket to floor in front of herself. Remaining in splits, she places the basket on the floor and creates arm gestures to each side, holding and lifting the hem of her skirts several times and then swinging each arm once from back overhead to front. The dancer picks up the basket, rotates to the back, and stands facing the band. She repeats the initial side-stepping actions, basket on her head, and turns on her left leg, swinging her right leg up and around to face sideways, right side to the audience. In this position, she creates arm gestures pantomiming tossed kisses toward the audience as she arches into a back bend. She returns to an upright posture and skips through a series of turns as she leaves the stage to the left.
Using your knowledge of dance, prepare a response of approximately 250–350 words in which you:
- identify and describe one way that a production element (e.g., costuming, props, stage setting) might contribute to communicating artistic intent in the segment of dance shown;
- identify and describe one way that a movement might contribute to communicating artistic intent in the segment of dance shown;
- analyze how the identified production element and movement interact to create artistic intent in the segment of dance shown;
- identify a research topic or question that would help you further investigate ways that production elements and movement interact to create artistic intent in this dance, including how cultural perspectives and experiences are expressed in this dance; and
- discuss how researching your topic or question might help you develop a response to the dance.
Assignment 5
Using your knowledge of dance, prepare a response of approximately 250–350 words in which you:
- identify a social issue or historical event that could inspire a subject for a dance work;
- describe one possible theme related to the identified social issue or historical event that could be used in creating movement and structuring choreography;
- identify two elements or qualities of movement that could be used to express the theme and explain how they would contribute to achieving artistic expression; and
- describe a short movement phrase that would use the two elements or qualities of movement and explain how the short movement phrase could provide a motif for the work.
Examples of Strong Extended Responses
Sample Response 4
In this dance segment, a production element that communicates artistic intent is actually the lack of distracting or bright stage setting. The dancer is in the forefront alone with the musicians behind them. The dancer is the main focal point and the only props are the basket and the dancer’s skirt used in the movements at times.
The dance contained many spins and turns as well as using the basket and skirt as props in the dance movements but the movement that was possibly most expressive of intent was the distinct hops done by the dancer. Some of these are smaller hops nearer to the beginning and larger front and back hops closer to the end of the segment. These appear purposeful and meaningful when compared to the smoother foot movements throughout the rest.
The eye is able to truly focus on the dancer due to the placement on the stage as well as the lack of distracting setting elements. The minimal props, darker background with lighter foreground, and the dancer’s distinct hopping and turning dance movements worked together to allow expression from the dancer without diversion from the intent.
Through research one might question what the cultural background or significance might be of this dance. I might ask some questions such as: “in what country or region did this dance originate?”, “is this dance traditionally done by just one dancer as in this segment?”, “what is the purpose of this dance?” These sorts of questions might give a better understanding of the dance and its background.
Such research might allow the viewer to more thoroughly understand just what the dancer is meant to be expressing. Responding to art forms is possible for perceptive people, but further historical and cultural knowledge is also a useful tool when attempting to respond. After researching answers to the above questions, the viewer might be able to make an informed response.
Sample Response 5
The recent Covid 19 pandemic would be a suitable social or historical event to inspire a subject for a dance composition.
A possible theme that could be used to create movement and structure choreography would be the psychological, emotional, and physical effects resulting from loneliness, separation, and isolation caused by the mandated shutdown of cities, states, and even entire countries due to the rapid spread of the virus. Due to strict shelter in place rules, many were confined to a solitary, lonely existence, causing some to experience unsettling bouts of depression and or anxiety.
Martha Graham, whose contributions to modern dance irrevocably changed the world of dance in America and the world, developed a technique based on the use of breath, which allows the body to follow its natural ebb and flow, and its effect on the torso as it contracts in exhalation and expands in inhalation. The movements involve contraction and release and expansion and contraction generated by body energy. She also experimented with percussive and hinged movements and their opposition to lyrical flow. These movements within variations of space, time, and intensity can be used to create a visual of the sensations of anxiety, frustration, and the sheer desire for survival.
A combination of these movements done in repetition can be used as follows to create a motif of pain and relief, openness and closure. Three dancers walk to an assigned space on stage separate from each other. Within their individual space at various times they contract by pulling in their midsection, holding the position, then releasing. They move to a sitting position, then lie on their backs, legs extended, and contract in the middle, drawing up legs to the center of their bodies as they rotate to one side with elbows drawn inward and hands flexed, then release and return to the floor. Contrasting these dancers with two others who enter and maintain a stationary standing position and continue to swing their right arm in a hinged manner as they tilt their heads to the side can create a sense of distortion and monotony which points up the theme of isolation and separation.
Extended-Response Assignment Performance Characteristics
Performance Characteristics. The following performance characteristics will guide the scoring of responses to the extended-response constructed-response questions on CSET: Dance Subtest II.
Purpose | The extent to which the response addresses the constructed-response assignment's charge in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements. |
Subject Matter Knowledge | The application of accurate subject matter knowledge as described in the relevant CSET subject matter requirements. |
Support | The appropriateness and quality of the supporting evidence in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements. |
Depth and Breadth of Understanding | The degree to which the response demonstrates understanding of the relevant CSET subject matter requirements. |
Extended-Response Assignment Scoring Scale
Scoring Scale. Scores will be assigned to each response to the extended-response constructed-response questions on CSET: Dance Subtest II according to the following scoring scale.
Score Point | Score Point Description |
4 |
The "4" response reflects a thorough command of the relevant knowledge and skills as defined in the subject matter requirements for CSET: Dance.
3 |
The "3" response reflects a general command of the relevant knowledge and skills as defined in the subject matter requirements for CSET: Dance.
2 |
The "2" response reflects a limited command of the relevant knowledge and skills as defined in the subject matter requirements for CSET: Dance.
1 |
The "1" response reflects little or no command of the relevant knowledge and skills as defined in the subject matter requirements for CSET: Dance.
U | The "U" (Unscorable) is assigned to a response that is unrelated to the assignment, illegible, primarily in a language other than English, or does not contain a sufficient amount of original work to score. |
B | The "B" (Blank) is assigned to a response that is blank. |
1 HD DOLLY: Two Graceful Ballet Dancers In The Park. Collection: Vetta. Credit: simonkr. Getty Images.
2 ImageSource. Male dancer performing. Collection: Stockbyte. Credit: Image Source. Getty Images.
Male dancer bending over. Collection: Stockbyte. Credit: Image Source. Getty Images.
3 Jenkinson, Ruth. Two Ballet dancers in lift. DK Images.
4 schmitthenner, christine. A Caribbean dance ensemble dances Afro-Caribbean dances. Collection: ImageSource. Credit: christine schmitthenner. Getty Images.
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