CSET: Foundational-Level Mathematics
CSET: Foundational-Level Mathematics consists of 2 subtests:
- Subtest I (test code 211)
- Subtest II (test code 212)
For the Single Subject Teaching Credential in Foundational-Level Mathematics, you must pass Subtests I and II
. This credential authorizes teaching only in limited mathematics content areas: general mathematics, algebra, geometry, probability and statistics, and consumer mathematics.
You may register to take any one subtest in a single test session.
Computer-based test (CBT) only:
- Subtest I: 35 multiple-choice questions and 3 constructed-response questions
- Subtest II: 35 multiple-choice questions and 3 constructed-response questions
2 hours and 30 minutes per subtest
15 additional minutes are provided to complete a nondisclosure agreement and tutorial. Any time taken for breaks is considered part of your available testing time.
A graphing calculator will be allowed for Subtest II only. Examinees must bring an approved graphing calculator
to the test administration.
Subtests I and II include one or more assignments that allow you to handwrite and scan responses.
See scanning instructions
and the hand-draw tutorial video
for information on how to use a response sheet for handwritten responses.
(The instructions will be available during testing.)
If you have previously passed one or more subtests of the CSET: Mathematics examination prior to December 29, 2014, your scores will remain valid and you will not have to retake those subtests. Please note that CSET scores must be used toward a California credential within 10 years of the test date.
Examinees taking CSET: Mathematics Subtest II must bring their own graphing calculator but may not bring a
calculator manual. Graphing calculators will not be provided at the test session. Only the brand and models listed
below may be used. Approved calculator brands and models are subject to change; if there is a change,
examinees will be notified. Test administration staff will clear the memory of your calculator both before and after
testing. Therefore, be sure to back up the memory on your calculator, including applications, to an external device
before arriving at the test center.
- Texas Instruments TI-73
- Texas Instruments TI-83
- Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus
- Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus Silver Edition
- Texas Instruments TI-84
- Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus
- Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
- Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition
- Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE
- Texas Instruments TI-Nspire Handheld with the TI-84 Plus Keypad (Examinees using the TI-Nspire
Handheld may not remove the TI-84 Plus Keypad while testing. Violation of the rule, or any other test center
rule, may result in the voiding of your scores.)