RICA Policies
By registering for the California Educator Credentialing Assessments, you are agreeing to abide by the Rules of Test Participation and all rules, requirements, and policies specified or referenced on the current California Educator Credentialing Assessments website and communicated to you, orally or in writing, at each test administration for which you have registered.
+− Rules of Test Participation
RICA Video Performance Assessment Rules of Assessment Participation
Compliance: I understand that I am required to comply with the rules and requirements specified or referenced on the current California Educator Credentialing Assessments website, including these Rules of Participation for the RICA Video Performance Assessment. I further understand that if I fail to comply with such rules and requirements: (a) my test results may be voided; (b) no refund will be issued; (c) no portion of the test fee can be applied toward the cost of any future test fees; (d) I may not be permitted to register for current or future tests; (e) my registration may be canceled; (f) I may be prohibited in the future from registering for the California Educator Credentialing Assessments and required to take the California Educator Credentialing Assessments under controlled conditions; (g) I may not be allowed to test; and (h) legal proceedings and actions may be pursued as well as any other remedies that the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and/or the Evaluation Systems group of Pearson, a business of NCS Pearson, Inc. (Evaluation Systems), may deem appropriate. In addition, I understand that test fraud is a ground for denial, revocation, and/or suspension of a teaching or services credential.
Policies: I have read and agree to the information and policies presented on the current program website, including, but not limited to, Payment policy
Withdrawal/Refund policy
Eligibility to Test:
RICA Video Performance Assessment: I understand that I may take the RICA only if I have earned, at a minimum, a high school diploma, a GED, or the equivalent, or I am, or have been, a student taking courses for college credit pursuant to a career in education. I certify that I am eligible to take the RICA Video Performance Assessment according to this eligibility requirement. If I am unsure of my eligibility to take the RICA as stated in this rule, I understand that I may request clarification by contacting the RICA Program Coordinator at the CTC, who will advise me.
Purpose of Testing:
RICA Video Performance Assessment: I understand that the RICA is administered for the purpose of the issuance of a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential or an Education Specialist Instruction Credential or as approved by the CTC. I certify that I am taking the RICA Video Performance Assessment to satisfy part of the requirements for a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential or an Education Specialist Instruction Credential.
PERMISSIONS AND CONFIDENTIALITY: I understand that I am responsible for verifying and if necessary obtaining appropriate permissions from the parents/guardians/families of my students and from adults who appear in the video clips I submit. I understand that I am not allowed to submit video, photographs, or student work that I do not have permission to use to fulfill the requirements of the RICA Video Performance Assessment. I agree to produce such permissions if requested after I submit my assessment. I have ensured confidentiality of individuals referenced in documentation or appearing in the video clips by redacting personally identifiable information and uploading the video only to the designated RICA Video Performance Assessment site. I understand that I may use my assessment materials according to the parameters of the release forms verified for minors and/or adults who appear in the video clips. I will not display the videos publicly (e.g., on personal websites, YouTube™, Facebook™). I understand that a violation of any of these privacy requirements with respect to the video may be reported to the CTC and may have serious consequences that could affect my future career as a teacher up to and including the denial of a teaching credential. I understand that if I plan to use my submission for other allowable educative purposes beyond the rules of participation, then I am responsible for securing permissions from all individuals appearing in the materials to share the videos or student work for this purpose.
Conformity with Requirements: I understand that if my video submission does not conform to the current requirements in the RICA Video Performance Assessment Guide, my video and accompanying template(s) will receive a rating of "Requirements Not Met" or my test results will be voided. In either case, I will not receive a passing score, no refund of my fee will be issued, and no portion of my fee can be applied to the cost of future registration for any California Educator Credentialing Examination.
Materials: I understand that all videos and related documentation that I submit to Evaluation Systems become the sole property of the CTC upon their receipt by Evaluation Systems. The materials that I submit will not be duplicated for me. The materials that I submit will not be returned to me.
Results Reporting and Cancellation: I understand that my results will be reported to me and to the CTC. For the RICA Video Performance Assessment, my results will also be released to the California college, university, or district intern program I indicate during registration. My test results will also be released to any other institution, entity, or person authorized or required by law to receive this information. I understand that Pearson will score all test results received, which may be incomplete due to technical issues during the test session. I understand that any information provided as part of registration may be used to report test results or to contact me regarding test- or program-related issues. Once I submit my three videos and accompanying templates, I cannot cancel the scoring of the submission or the reporting of test results.
Voided Test Results: I understand that if I fail to comply with the rules and requirements set forth on the current California Educator Credentialing Assessments website, including the Rules of Participation for
the RICA Video Performance Assessment, or if doubts are raised about the validity or legitimacy of my registration, my submitted videos and/or templates, or my test results, Evaluation Systems will notify the CTC and other parties as deemed appropriate by the CTC. The CTC and Evaluation Systems reserve the right to void my test results if, in their sole opinion, there is adequate reason to question the validity or legitimacy of the test results due to circumstances within or beyond my control. Other actions, as described in Rule 1, may be taken as deemed appropriate by the CTC and/or Evaluation Systems.
Rights and Obligations Regarding the Video Assessment: I understand and agree that liability for test activities, including but not limited to the adequacy or accuracy of test materials, the adequacy or accuracy of the registration and test processes or conditions, the adequacy or accuracy of scoring, the adequacy or accuracy of test results, the adequacy or accuracy of information provided to me in connection with the California Educator Credentialing Assessments, and the adequacy of protection of examinee information will be limited to results correction or retake at no additional fee. I waive any and all rights to all other claims, specifically including but not limited to claims for negligence arising out of any acts or omissions of the CTC and Evaluation Systems (including the employees, agents, contractors, or professional advisors of the CTC and Evaluation Systems).
Program Changes: I understand that the examination program is subject to change at the sole discretion of the CTC. I also understand that certification requirements, including those satisfied by examinations, are periodically revised or replaced. In all instances, it is my responsibility to take the correct examination(s). If I am uncertain which examinations I should take, I will contact the CTC.
Objection to Rules: If, for any reason, I object to any of the Rules of Participation for the RICA Video Performance Assessment, I must advise Evaluation Systems, in writing, of the basis of my objection at least eight (8) weeks before I submit my videos and accompanying templates for my objection to be taken under consideration. If I nevertheless object, or if I continue to object, my registration may be canceled or my test results may be voided.
Rules: I understand that should any of these rules or any other procedure or policy contained on the current California Educator Credentialing Assessments website be declared or determined by any court to be illegal or invalid, the remaining rules, procedures, and policies will not be affected and the illegal or invalid rule, procedure, or policy shall not be deemed a part of the current website. The headings of each of the Rules of Participation for the RICA Video Performance Assessment are for convenient reference only. They are not a part of the rules themselves; they do not necessarily reflect the entire subject matter of each rule; and they are not intended to be used for the purpose of modifying, interpreting, or construing any of the Rules of Participation for the RICA Video Performance Assessment. I agree that any legal action arising in connection with my registration for or participation in the RICA Video Performance Assessment shall be brought only in the state and federal courts located in Sacramento, California, or St. Paul, Minnesota, as appropriate, and I consent to the personal jurisdiction of such courts.
Withdrawal/Refund Policy for the RICA Video Performance Assessment
If you have registered for the RICA Video Performance Assessment, have not yet submitted your materials for scoring, and would like to withdraw the registration and receive a full refund, submit a withdrawal request through your account.
If your request to withdraw a RICA Video Performance Assessment registration is received by the final submission deadline of the program year, you will receive a full refund of your test fees. In most cases, your refund will be issued by Evaluation Systems within one week of your request; however, some requests may take additional time to resolve. If you applied a voucher toward registration fees, the amount of the voucher will not be refunded.
Payment Policy
Duration of Payment Validity
After payment, your registration will be valid until the final submission deadline of the program year. If you do not submit your videos and accompanying templates or withdraw your registration before the last submission deadline of the program year, your registration will expire, and you will receive a full refund.
If you have any outstanding balance owed by you to Evaluation Systems after a test administration for which you were registered, all of your test results for that test date may be permanently voided and therefore not reported to you, to the CTC, or to any institutions.
The following policies apply to you when you have an outstanding balance with Evaluation Systems:
- You will be assessed an additional fee to cover the processing required to clear your account.
- You will not be allowed to register for future test dates until your balance, which includes the additional fee, is paid in full.
- Any credits or refunds for which you may be eligible will be applied first to your outstanding debt, with any excess to be returned to you.
If a credit card charge for an Evaluation Systems service for you is disputed:
- You may not be allowed to make any future payments by credit card.
- You must make your payment to clear your account by cashier's check or money order only.
- If you attempt to pay for any further services by cashier's check or money order before clearing your account, any payments received will be applied first to your outstanding debt, with any excess applied to the requested services.
Please review the registration, testing, and score reporting policies made available here. You will be required to indicate that you have had an opportunity to review them prior to registering to test.
Registration Policies
Review the registration policies related to payment, privacy, alternative testing arrangements, and changing or canceling your registration.
Testing Policies
Review the testing policies related to video assessments.
Score Reporting Policies
Review the score reporting policies related to canceling or voiding your test scores.